In writing report card comments for elementary school students, the words and phrases that are used can have a significant impact on the child, and on the family. The purpose of a report card is not only to enlighten the parent and student about the student's progress in school. Report cards can also show parents where room for improvement lies, as long as the report card keeps a positive spin even during negative situations. In order to be most effective when it comes to writing report card comments down for these young students, teachers should make use of the most useful and effective words and phrases in order to better drive their points across.
The best way to write report card comments for elementary school students is to form the comments in a way that is constructive rather than focusing on negative aspects of each child's academic career. An effective report card is one that focuses on areas of improvement rather than dwelling on the negative nature of a child's past performance. Even if a student has received a failing grade in a particular subject or class, there is no reason to turn that experience into a negative one. This is especially true when it comes to report cards, which are an innovative way to get the parent involved with whatever needs the child has.
Using the right modifiers and descriptors when referring to the strengths and weaknesses of the student will allow you to relate report card comments to the achievement of certain expectations. Rather than focusing on the negative aspects of a failing grade for example, an effective instructor will turn poor performance into an opportunity for additional learning and growth.
F grade, failing grade or equivalent: When there are areas for improvement, rather than focusing on the negative aspect, instructors can positively spin the needs of students by using the right descriptors and modifiers for each area. There is no reason to be directly negative, and nothing good or productive will come of being that way. - Not using or seldom using - Seldom, Seldom meeting - Experiencing Difficulty - Insufficiently, insufficient - Lacking, Lacks in - Unclear or Unfocused - Inaccurate or Weak - Inactive - Inadequate - Very Limited - None Evident, No Evidence - Very limited - Delayed or Gradual
D grade, just above a failing grade or equivalent: Rather than looking at a D grade as a negative grade, instructors can use these phrases to describe making an attempt, beginning to show progress, or simply needing assistance. - Using Only - With Assistance, With Help - Inconsistent, Inconsistently - Rare, Rarely - Makes Attempts - Varied or Incomplete - Unclear or Not Quite Clear - Limited or Limited Accuracy - Beginning, Starting to - Slow, Slow-Going - Little, Minor
C grade, average grade or equivalent: Although a C grade is an average grade, a positive spin can be placed on it by explaining how the student is showing improvement, is gaining clarity or is developing or improving in certain aspects of his or her schoolwork. - Sometimes - Satisfactory - Using More, Nearly Most - With limited assistance - With some assistance - Almost complete - With some clarity - Some - Developing or Improving - Approaching or Accelerating - Partial - Emerging - Accuracy
B grade, above average grade or equivalent: B grades are above average, and the descriptors and modifiers that are used should reflect that. - Independently - Using Most - Consistently - Appropriate - Complete - Effective - Often or Regularly - Coherent or Clear, Concise - Full - Quick - Prompt - Meeting - General - Accurate - Capable, Capability
A grade, near perfect grade or equivalent: - Systematically - Using All - Outstanding - Independently - Always -Competently, With Competence - Comprehensive - Precise - Rapid, Extensive - Consistently and Accurately - Thorough and In Depth - Surpassing, or Exceeding
Using simple verbs will allow you to describe the strengths of each student in his or her report card. Recognizing a student's strengths, even when the student is having difficulty in class, is a great way to allow development of strong, positive characteristics in addition to improving upon weaker characteristics. - Applies - Builds - Compares - Completes - Constructs - Continues To - Creates - Demonstrates - Describes - Develops - Evaluates - Experiments - Explains - Expresses - Extends - Has Learned - Illustrates - Interprets - Is Able To - Knows - Organizes - Operates - Participates - Performs - Produces - Recognizes - Shows - Solves - Understands - Uses - Works Well
Teachers should make a point to avoid judgmental or negative phrases that are worded strongly, in addition to describing weaknesses. Even when a need is present to describe a particular weakness, there are ways to create a positive spin by turning what a student lacks into what a student simply needs assistance with. The following phrases are generally suggested to meet these needs: -Attempts to, Makes attempts - Continues to Need Help with - Encouragement with - Experiences Difficulty with - Is being encouraged to - Is benefiting from practice with - Is learning to - Is receiving additional help with - Is working at - Needs more opportunities to - Needs ongoing help with, Needs ongoing assistance with - Needs support - Needs to develop - Needs to improve, Needs improvement in - Requires adult support for - Requires more time - Tries to, Makes attempts to
The purpose behind filling comments out on a report card for elementary students is simple, especially when this space is used to create a positive summary of a student's achievements and their needs. Rather than focus on negative characteristics or issues that a student is dealing with, an instructor can focus on points of improvement, putting a positive spin on a child's needs to help foster growth in those areas. Obviously there are specific phrases and words that are more powerful than others for this purpose, and using the aforementioned modifiers, descriptors and simple verbs will greatly simplify the process in order to create better results.
Kindergarten - Mathematics Comments
1. __________ is still unable to count beyond 20. As that is a primary standard, we will need to work with your child more closely to ensure that he/she masters these skills. You can help him/her to master this skill by incorporating math into your playtime at home, and have him/her count larger quantities of fun items such as small snack foods or cards.
2. Your child is confusing the terms "beside", "between", and "below". You can help him/her to understand this concept using stuffed toys, and placing them according to the positional word that you want to demonstrate. Books that focus on position could also be helpful.
3. ________ is showing great progress in math. He/she is starting to understand time related terminology, and is finally able to really tell time! Way to go!
4. He/she finds it hard to differentiate between a circle and a triangle. Have your child identify shapes in your travels and play shape drawing and counting games that focus on those two shapes. We should see improvement with practice.
Kindergarten - Language Arts Comments
5. Your child is doing a fantastic job recognizing "popcorn" or high frequency words. Use the popcorn cards that we sent home to continue to build on this skill, which will be a huge help in improving his/her reading skills.
6. ___________ continues to skip steps or mix the order when retelling stories. He/she needs to pay attention when reading or listening to stories. One way to foster more concentrated reading is to read in a quiet spot without distractions. Have your child provide you with the sequence of events when you do the daily reading assignments.
7. I am concerned that __________ is not able to fully write his/her last name. Have him/her practice writing and identifying each letter in the name until he/she can do it without assistance.
8. Writing books is his/her specialty! We may have a budding author here. Continue to provide him/her with supplies to make books over the summer. By the end of the summer, _______ may have his/her very own library of literary works! Writing is an important skill that he/she will further develop in first grade.
Kindergarten - Behavior Comments
9. Your child is a joy to have in class. He/she is an excellent student with above average behavior.
10. Arguing with the other students has become a norm for your child. I ask that you talk to him/her and let's work together to find more positive ways for your to channel his/her frustrations.
11. ______________ is very mannerly and has been recognized by the other teachers on our wing for being so respectful. He/she is a model student.
12. Unfortunately, I have found that _____ has had a hard time following the rules and directions. When asked to do a specific task, he/she will hesitate before executing and will often refuse to do what he/she has been told. I have not issued a formal warning as yet, but if this behavior continues, I will have to escalate this until the behavior improves.
Behavioural comments
13. __________ has been very disrespectful to our teacher's aide. I know that you would not approve. Please talk to him/her to remind her/him of our classroom rules.
14. He/she is a fantastic helper. I can always count on her to pick up and clean things around the classroom.
15. ___________ has had a difficult time adjusting to our new teacher's aide. He/she pulls back and will not put forth the effort that I am used to seeing.
16. He/she is not listening. I tell him/her to do things and he/she chooses to do something different. We have been trying to work on this with him/her.
17. I have grown concerned with _____________ not following the classroom rules about safety. My fear is that he/she will hurt himself/herself or one of the other children.
18. We are still getting lots of tears when you drop him/her off. While we recognize that this is natural separation anxiety for some kindergarteners, we will continue to try to get him/her to handle things a little better.
19. He/she is continuing to try to intimidate the shorter students. If we do not see an improvement in behavior, we will refer him/her to the school counselor.
20. I am so excited about the wonderful progress that ______________ is making! He/she feels really great about doing so well.
21. There have been a few instances in which he/she has had a tantrum. We have tried to calm him/her down as best we can, but we are finding that he/she is not responding well. We could use your help with this.
22. Thank you for all of the support that you have provided to our classroom throughout the school year. You are a fantastic Homeroom Parent for our class! Your child has thrived because of your participation.
23. I have enjoyed having him/her in my class this year because of his/her sunny personality. Everyday brought with it lots of happiness that our class has really loved!
24. This quarter started out a little rough, but he/she has started to adjust to the daily work of kindergarten.
25. She/he displays a maturity that one wouldn't expect from a kindergartener. I believe that he/she will do fabulously in first grade.
Primary (1 & 2)
26. _____ is improving in not distracting others but he still tries to be the class clown at certain times.
27. _________ appears drowsy at times, and this is starting to affect his/her work. Please try to make sure that your child gets enough sleep so that he/she is refreshed and prepared for class.
28. Your child is doing a super job having all of his work materials ready for class.
29. In this grade, the work can become a little more challenging and the expectations are a little higher. _________ is having a hard time adjusting and has made statements about "not liking school". I believe that he/she can do better work if he/she changes his/her attitude about school.
30. He/she has a great attitude and has taken a very positive approach toward the new math material that we have been learning. We are definitely seeing fewer tears! I hope that he/she keeps up the good work!
31. _____ is steadily improving his math grade. He is on pace to reach his/her goal of ____ by the end of the year.
32. _________ is on the verge of failing math because he/she is not studying. I can tell from the careless mistakes that he/she is making that if there was greater effort on his/her part, that his/her grade would greatly improve.
33. Thanks for helping your child complete those make-up word problem assignments. His/her grade has definitely improved because of them. It means a lot having your support!
Language Arts:
34. I am concerned that ____ will fall behind if he does not learn his parts of speech. Please continue to work on them at home.
35. _____ is starting to have very bad penmanship when he/she is asked to write stories in Language Arts. Since penmanship is a grade, I ask that you stress to him/her the importance of writing neat and legibly so that others can read and enjoy his/her stories.
36. It seems like he/she is not interested in learning the verb tenses. His grades are good but not participating when asked could adversely affect them. Participation is 5% of the overall class grade.
37. Simply put, _________ is slacking and not putting forth much effort. He/she is very capable of reading at a higher level, but he only selects books that are below his reading level. Please encourage him to read more challenging books this next quarter.
Social Studies:
38. ________ is on the path to becoming a great historian! He/she really loves learning about the past and has had performed wonderfully on the statewide Social Studies exam! Way to go!
39. He/she always shares things with the class about your travels and the history lessons that you teach along the way. That information has really benefitted him/her this year and has made her interested in learning as much as she can about history!
40. __________ must know all 50 states by the end of this school year. Right now, he/she knows about 20 and the school year is half over. You may want to practice those states with him/her using the map in the daily agenda book.
41. _________ Social Studies grades are super! Thanks for having your child ready and energized for school.
42. _______ keeps "losing" his/her science homework. This has resulted in him/her receiving a much lower grade. Please encourage him/her to be more responsible and prepared for science class.
43. Science is his/her best subject. Keep introducing her/him to new science material over the summer vacation. He could be a budding scientist!
44. He is having a difficult time understanding the parts of a flower. A wonderful way to help him/her with this topic is to actually dissect a flower into its parts. You can do this little exercise with your child at home and have him/her label each part.
45. __________ is very eager to participate when we go to the science lab. I love to see that type of thirst for knowledge in my students.
46. He/she has had a tough time making the transition from kindergartener to first grader. I am really concerned.
47. ___________ constantly whines. While this was probably the norm in kindergarten, it is completely unacceptable in first grade.
48. I would like to see him/her talk less about the odorous body functions. It is very distracting for the class.
49. He/she still cries a lot. I am going to need your help with this.
50. Homework is a big part of first grade. Please encourage him/her to do his/hers every night.
51. Now that he/she is getting regular letter grades, he/she will need to take more time with his/her tests to ensure that he/she passes.
52. __________ doesn't seem to be prepared for school in the mornings. Please help him to get more organized.
53. ____________ has grown increasingly more disrespectful. The other teachers are starting to comment on his behavior.
54. Let's work together to get _________________ to stop sucking his/her thumb. I will do my best to encourage him/her to stop while at school because it is affecting his/her social relationships.
55. I am so proud of him/her for bringing up his/her grades this quarter!
56. He/she is very rough when he/she is playing on the playground. I have had to correct him/her several times.
57. He/she always goes to sleep. In first grade, we do not take a nap. He/she may need more sleep at night.
58. Your child is progressing very well and is expected to meet all of the key standards for first grade.
59. I am very happy with the improvements that he/she has made in his/her behavior. Keep up the good work!
60. He/she has been nominated for our Star Student award every month this year! His/her classmates really think highly of him/her.
61. ______________ has fantastic work ethic. It's so special to see this in him/her.
62. Each year, I nominate a child to represent our class in the First Grade Council. This year, ______________ has been selected! Congratulations!
63. He/she is still having a hard time keeping his/her hands to himself/herself. We have received many complaints from other students.
64. I would like to see him/her put forth more effort. He/she doesn't try very hard when it comes to his/her assignments.
65. He/she is the hardest working second grader that I know.
66. I expected him/her to exceed the state testing score and she/he did! Great job!
67. Please remind him/her that we do not bring toys to school without permission. Doing so wreaks havoc in our class.
68. He/she has really been a great help in our classroom.
69. I was a little disappointed with his/her behavior recently. He/she has been shouting and berating the other students. I am referring him/her to counseling.
70. The nurse is really getting to know him/her because he/she wants to go there every day. Please talk to him/her about what constitutes a real medical emergency. He/she is missing a lot of valuable class time.
71. He/she was recognized by our principal for having the neatest desk and work area! I am so proud of him/her!
Primary (3-4 grades)
72. _________ has been very disruptive during class. I have moved him/her several times, but will have to escalate this with a formal warning if this behavior continues.
73. She/he is always willing to help his/her fellow classmates. You should be proud of him/her.
74. We have had multiple conversations regarding following the rules, yet, he/she is still struggling with these basic behavior standards.
75. Throughout this quarter, he/she has often used very poor judgment, which resulted in him/her being sent to the office. I would love for this behavior to improve.
76. Your child is excellent in math. He/she can multiply and divide numbers very quickly. I believe that he/she is ready to be further challenged.
77. _________ is showing tremendous effort and progress in math, especially in learning multiplication facts.
78. I would really like for __________ to practice his/her fractions more at home. He/she seems to be struggling, and that is reflected in this grade. I believe that with more practice, he/she will learn to master this important math concept.
79. He/she has a very negative attitude towards math. A great way to encourage him/her to embrace math is to show examples of math in your child's daily life. You may want to have him/her calculate how much "half off" is when out at the store, for instance. Your support and encouragement could change his/her attitude for the better.
Language Arts:
80. He/she has not been turning his/her reading log in on a regular basis. It is important that your child read every night for at least 15 minutes.
81. ____________ has been writing very creative and descriptive stories using the objects from the Word Prompt Box. I will be submitting one for our district writing contest!
82. He/she has not returned ANY spelling assignments this entire quarter. I have tried to call and have sent notes to you on several occasions. That is why he/she has received a failing grade. Going forward, I would like to propose that you utilize the online school reporting system so that you can stay abreast with his/her progress and assignments.
83. I am very disappointed that he/she is not studying his/her vocabulary words. These words will help him/her with the district's standardize test. Please work with ___________ to put forth more effort in the next quarter or else he/she could risk failing Language Arts.
Social Studies:
84. All of the take home history projects that he/she completed were wonderful! Keep up the good work!
85. History is his/her forte! I have been very impressed throughout this quarter with his/her ability to recognize so many historical events. It's been great!
86. ___________ does not have a positive attitude regarding his/her place or position in the community. This came through when we were discussing communities in social studies. I believe that he/she has a lot of potential and that he/she can be successful. I encourage you to reassure him/her that despite what he/she sees in his/her own neighborhood, he can succeed. We will do our best to help him during our time with him.
87. Unfortunately, he/she failed to turn in one of the most important Social Studies assignments for this quarter. As such, his/her grade dropped almost 2 letter grades. This grade is not really indicative of his/her ability. Please encourage him/her to complete and turn in all assignments on time to avoid this happening again.
88. He/she has been very disruptive in science. I understand that he/she gets really excited about going to the science lab, but that is not an excuse to be disrespectful or to call out during class time.
89. ____________ really pulled this science grade up. I am very proud of the effort that he/she put forth and I know that he/she will do even better the next time.
90. The Science Standards Test was very hard for him/her because he/she does not pay attention in class as he/she should. He/she has little interest in science despite our efforts to make it fun and hands-on. If his/her scores and participation don't improve, I am concerned that he/she may end up having to take science in summer school.
91. He/she is an excellent science laboratory helper. He/she always makes sure to follow all of the safety procedures and takes pride in helping his/her classmates.
92. I am very concerned about his ability to stay on task. He does a lot of daydreaming and doodling.
93. She/he uses his/her time constructively by reading or helping others whenever there is down time.
94. _______________ is an exceptional listener. It's great having him/her in my class!
95. She/he is a real social butterfly. The children have really taken to him/her even though he/she just transitioned into our homeroom class.
96. I find that he/she talks a lot when I leave the classroom, and has a habit of getting the other students riled up.
97. He/she constantly disturbs our class with his/her silly questions and antics. It makes the environment very difficult for those that are slow learners.
98. I am so proud of how he/she has learned to work without disturbing the others in the class. He/she is really growing up!
99. You should be proud of him/her because they have been voted Student of the Month two months in a row!
100. He/she works so independently and is able to accomplish both his/her personal goals along with his/her academic goals. I am recommending him/her to work in our school's Media Center.
101. I can always count on him/her to follow the rules. He/she is a wonderful student.
102. He/she has so much potential. I love that he/she is so willing to work hard until he/she masters a skill.
103. I didn't anticipate him/her being such a helpful student. He/she has definitely surprised me and has been a great source of help for me and other teachers.
104. _________________ has done fabulously in fulfilling his/her role as a mentor to the younger students. We are proud of his/her work.
105. He/she puts forth so much effort. I believe that if he/she keeps working diligently, he/she will definitely bring up his/her grade.
106. I was very disappointed that he/she has been instigating verbal disputes among the other children. Please encourage him/her to stop being the "go between".
107. He/she has been performing very well on his/her tests and seems to be handling anger and disappointment a lot better.
108. Some of the children have been complaining about him/her coming on too strong. While we want the children to be friendly, it may help him/her to be a little more patient as he/she tries to win friends.
109. I have had to talk to him/her several times about being respectful of other people's personal space. Please talk to him/her about this so that it doesn't become a bigger issue.
110. I will need to meet with you to discuss his/her constant disrespect toward the PE teacher. I am very concerned about this.
111. I have recommended him/her for the school safety patrol because he/she is an exemplary example of a safe student.
112. I am having a tough time getting him/her to cooperate with other students. He/she seems to argue every time I put him/her into a group.
113. __________ could benefit from eating breakfast in the mornings. He/she seems to be hungry and has told me that it's from not eating breakfast.
114. His next teacher will love him! He/she is an amazing learner and a fantastic listener.
115. If his/her sister is anything like him/her, I'm going to have a wonderful new student. ___________ is a very special student and I will miss him/her.
116. He/she constantly ignores the rules. As a result, he/she often hurts other student's feelings.
117. I would like to see him try harder and get more focused on his academic career.
Middle School General Report Card Comments
118. It is unfortunate that I have to bring this to your attention, but, __________ has become our class clown. He/she has a pretty strong "following" which makes teaching a chore at times, as I have to constantly refocus the class.
119. He/she has been corrected several times by myself and other teachers for using very vulgar words. While it is not out of the ordinary for most middle school students to test boundaries, I know that you do not allow such language. If he/she continues to use offensive language, disciplinary action is sure to follow.
120. He/she is an awesome student. It is a complete pleasure to have him/her in my homeroom class. I have also received positive feedback from the other teachers about his/her behavior.
121. Being prepared for class is essential to the learning experience. _____________ does not seem to take being prepared very seriously and has received lowered overall grades because of it. Your support is requested in helping to get him focused and organized.
122. ____ is showing great progress in science. He/She is now starting to understand the Scientific Method.
123. Science lab work is a major part of the science grade. He/she has not consistently turned in his/her data from his/her lab work. Over the next quarter, he/she will need to improve with this in order to maintain satisfactory grades.
124. ___________ shows an interest in biology. I am going to recommend that he/she get involved in the science club. I believe that being able to share his/her interest with others of like mind will greatly benefit him/her.
125. His/her science fair project was amazing! I was beaming when it took 1st place. Congratulations on a job well done. Keep up the good work.
Social Studies:
126. I am very impressed by ______ performance in history. The tutoring is definitely helping!
127. Our next quarter will be spent examining the parts of the government. That information will be a requirement for the statewide proficiency examination. His/her active participation will be necessary.
128. He/She is failing because he/she does not complete his/her assignments on time. I take lateness very seriously. Until he/she improves with turning in his/her assignments, you will likely continue to see her/his grade decline.
129. _____________has expressed a strong interest in law. I will send information home regarding a summer law program that he/she could potentially like to pursue.
Language Arts:
130. Our studies of Greek Mythology has proven difficult for______________. I am recommending that he/she get additional tutoring and do some research online to get a greater insight. He/she will be responsible for this material for the midterm.
131. ____________ is a very creative writer. His/her work is engaging and well written. He/she would make a wonderful tutor. I am going to recommend him/her.
132. His/her handwriting is horribly illegible. That's why I am requiring that all of his/her written assignments be typed.
133. ____________ has stopped doing his/her reading assignments. It disappoints me that he/she is not being more conscientious about his/her studies. Poor grades could cause him/her to lose eligibility for extracurricular activities.
134. _________________ has a very poor attitude about his/her ability to succeed with algebra. It is best that he/she get additional assistance from a tutor. He/she will need to get these basic concepts mastered before he/she can move on to more complex mathematics.
135. Math is a requirement for graduation. If he/she does not improve his/her grade, he/she will not graduate with his/her class.
136. __________________ is doing an exceptional job in geometry. He/she has been very diligent with his assignments and he/she is a model student.'
137. Our final will be cumulative and will be 50% of the final grade. Please encourage him/her to come to see me if he/she would like to go over areas that may have been more difficult for him/her in the beginning of the year. I'm here to help in any way that I can!
138. He/she talks excessively. It has been a major distraction for the other students.
139. Every time I ask him/her a question, I get very sarcastic answers. He has been reprimanded several times for this.
140. He/she is having difficulty finding social acceptance because he/she is constantly trying to be the center of attention. It appears that this is a turn-off for the other kids.
141. I have become increasingly concerned about his/her antics. While I understand that middle school is a time for personal growth and transition, I do not believe that it is a time for kids to become class clowns.
142. He/she has made very inappropriate comments about other teachers and administrators. I am not sure what is fueling this, but it is becoming an issue.
143. I love working with ________________. He/she is an exceptional team player.
144. His/her work is always neat, legible, and completes on time. Keep up the good job!
145. _______________ is so into his/her appearance that he/she spends the entire class period grooming. This is very distracting for the other children and it causes him/her to be very unproductive.
146. Cellphones are not permitted to be used in certain areas of the school. Please remind him/her of this rule as it has been reported that other teachers have had to approach him/her about this.
147. He/she always has a very sunny and positive attitude at the start of the day. It inspires me and the other kids really love having him/her in the class.
148. His/her behavior in the halls has been appalling. _________________ has demonstrated a disrespectful side recently that I have never seen in him/her before.
149. ____________________ has been incredibly disrespectful toward the cafeteria staff. We cannot accept this from him/her. Our cafeteria staff is an important part of our school community.
150. The vice Principal has recommended more counseling time with the guidance counselors for him/her because of the recent outbursts.
151. He/she has become a lot more frustrated when he/she doesn't grasp a concept. I'm concerned about him/her not being able to channel that frustration in a more positive way.
152. ______________________ has recently taken a new student under his/her wing. It's so wonderful that he/she is sharing his/her knowledge and experience with him.
153. I have grown to trust his/her work so much that I have been using him/her to grade the other students' papers!
154. Standing on chairs is always a poor choice. He/she seems to enjoy trying to do tricks with them during class time. Please express to him/her the importance of safety.
155. I have to constantly remind him/her to use his/her "inside voice" as if he/she were in elementary school because he/she constantly yells. I'm concerned that this could be a hearing issue.
156. Every time he/she is required to work in a group, his groupmates try to vote him/her out because he/she is not a good team player.
157. I am concerned that he/she is starting to gravitate toward a student that has a history of behavior issues.
158. He/she loves making silly faces. It seems a bit immature to me and it is very disturbing during class time.
159. I cannot leave him/her in the classroom when I leave out because he/she has become "infamous" for starting debates and classroom paper fights.
160. It has been brought to my attention by some students that he/she has been discussing home issues more and more. I am recommending him/her for counseling.
161. After several discussions with the school nurse, I have decided to recommend him for counseling because of the issues that we are finding with his/her grooming.
162. He/she is completely infatuated with the new teacher's assistant. Please talk to him/her about what is appropriate and what is an inappropriate conversation to have with teachers.
163. I couldn't have asked for a better student! He/she is a shining star of a student!
High School General Report Card Comments
164. He/she has been cutting class and roaming around the campus. This behavior is unacceptable and could result in suspension or expulsion.
165. Many teachers have reported that he/she has been extremely disruptive in their classes. Not only is this a sign of immaturity, it is also a show of defiance and disrespect. He/she needs to improve or face administrative disciplinary action.
166. He/she is a model student and I am so glad that he/she is in my class!
167. He/she is an asset to the school and a perfect ambassador for the incoming freshman. Keep up the good work!
168. His/her note-taking in science is exceptional. I have encouraged other students to get his/her notes when they have been absent.
169. __________ seeks help when he/she doesn't understand. We are working together to develop a study team that could benefit him/her and other students that might need more support.
170. His/her science fair entry was very elementary and not up to his/her full potential. The next project will need to be more extensive and grade appropriate if he/she wants to receive a better grade.
171. For some reason, in Science Lab, he/she does not work well when working on group projects. Group and individual projects receive equal attention in my grade book. If he/she does not improve with his/her group participation, it will be reflected in a much lower grade.
Social Studies:
172. He/she will graduate with the highest grade in Social Studies in the entire senior class! He/she has been a joy to teach and I am confident that he/she will continue to do well in his/her studies.
173. I am recommending him/her for AP Social Studies because he/she has performed above par throughout the school year. I believe that he/she is ready for the challenge!
174. ________________ performance on pop History quizzes has been less than spectacular. I am concerned that he/she is not fully grasping the information in class and not doing his/her homework.
175. He/she has expressed to me that History is not his/her favorite subject. While I respect this, I have to encourage him/her to still complete his/her assignments or else, he/she will fail my class.
Language Arts:
176. ______________ seems to have a very short attention span in English class. In addition to falling asleep, he/she has not been completing in-class assignments.
177. He/she is a budding author. I find his/her work very interesting and mature beyond her/his years.
178. His/her team wrote a fabulous play for English class that we will be performing in a general assembly. You should be proud of this great accomplishment!
179. __________________ struggles with the weekly vocabulary words. I have provided him/her with additional worksheets that include word roots. I am try to strengthen this area of study because it will be necessary for him/her to be successful on the SAT.
180. I am concerned that he/she does not have the basic foundation and firm grasp of Algebra 1 that he/she will need to excel in Algebra 2. Therefore, I am recommending that he/she retake Algebra 1 in summer school.
181. If he/she had better organizational skills, he/she would be better prepared for Geometry. We would be sure to see an improvement in his/her grade also.
182. He/she is doing a super job in Calculus. I believe that he/she is exceptional well-prepared for taking on the AP Calculus exam!
183. __________________ passed the AP Geometry exam with flying colors! It has been great and I'm proud of him/her! Congratulations to you all on a job well done.
184. Food fights are never appropriate. The next time he/she instigates one, he/she will be suspended.
185. I was very disappointed with his/her attitude. It seemed very childish.
186. Nobody expected him/her to respond with such sarcasm. The other teacher was highly offended.
187. If he/she continues to "slip" and use vulgar language, I will have to inform the principal and write him/her up.
188. It is never good for a student to laugh at a teacher when being corrected. Please encourage him/her to handle correction in a more appropriate manner.
189. He/she does not listen. It's very frustrating as an educator to deal with a student that takes pleasure in ignoring you.
190. There have been many reports of him/her saying very suggestive comments to students of the opposite sex. He has been written up several times about this during this last quarter.
191. He/she needs more sleep. I can be a bit longwinded, but, when a student from the start of the class until the end every day, I begin to think that he/she may be a little bit tired.
192. High school can be overwhelming for some freshman. He/she is struggling to "fit in" and I'm concerned that he/she is going to start to resent school.
193. We try to encourage students not to follow the wrong examples. Please talk to your son/daughter because I have notice that he/she has not been keeping good company.
194. Talking excessively can cause him/her to get an in-school suspension. I've communicated this to _________________ accordingly.
195. He/she often states that he/she does not want to come to school. He/she may need help with something personal.
196. Your son/daughter conveys your expectations to me all of the time. You should be proud in knowing that he/she is doing his/her best to meet those expectations.
197. He/she often makes me glad that I became a teacher.
198. __________________ really needs to stop the horseplay. It's very annoying and it makes him/her seem very immature.
199. Public shows of affection are not permitted in school. Please remind him/her of that policy.
200. We have a dress code to help students stay focused. When _______________ wears clothing that does not fit into the dress code, he/she causes a big disturbance for the other students.
201. Each day brings with it another fight. Ask ______________ why we all just can't get along?!? It's taking its toll on our homeroom class.
202. I have received reports of __________________ hanging in another corridor with a group of gang members. We may need to address this over the next semester by helping him to find something more constructive to do.
203. Everybody loves ______________________ and his love of academia is great.
204. Many students have confronted him/her about his/her views. While we encourage positive exchanges between students, we cannot condone students' views when they cause another culture distress.
205. We are still waiting for him/her to adjust to high school, but he/she is always doing something silly as if still in elementary school.
206. He/she is a fantastic student and I'm recommending him/her for student council!
207. I believe that he/she has a lot of potential. But, his friends are not good influences on him/her.
208. I've watched him/her really blossom into a social butterfly. I'm glad that he/she is finally coming out of his/her shell.
209. He/she is a great listener that makes teaching an absolute joy for me!
Report Card Comments & Phrases—Personality & Attitude
210. Although there has been some improvement in _______'s attitude toward his schoolwork, it is not consistent. He will need continual guidance from home and school throughout the rest of the year.
211. This report card is a reflection of ________'s attitude in school. He could improve if he decided to work harder and cooperate more.
212. _______'s attitude toward our school rules, the other students, and myself is reflected in this reporting quarter. She is capable of being a successful student with effort.
213. As my past reports have indicated, ______ does not do his schoolwork. He can do better if he makes his mind up to work harder and complete his assignments.
214. Although there has been some improvement with ______'s attitude toward her classmates, she frequently needs to be reminded to be respectful.
215. As we discussed in our last conference, ________'s attitude toward the basic skills is poor. Please continue to do a nightly review with her, especially focusing on ________.
216. Thank you for your interest in our class. I am pleased to report that _______ is showing positive development in regards to his attitude in our classroom.
217. _______ continues to make nice progress this year concerning her attitude in the classroom and on the playground.
218. I will continue to need your help and support if _______ is to overcome her attitude and social difficulties. She will find school a much more pleasant place if she can make a positive effort in this area.
219. _________'s attitude has continued to improve. Thank you for your support and cooperation.
220. ______ displays an excellent attitude.
221. ______'s attitude toward school is excellent.
222. ______ has a good attitude toward school.
223. ______ assumes responsibility well and has a find attitude.
224. ______ shows initiative and thinks things through for himself.
225. ______ is developing a better attitude toward ___ grade.
226. ______ needs to improve classroom attitude.
227. ______ is a very pleasant student to work with.
228. ______ is a very thoughtful student.
229. ______ has a pleasant disposition.
230. ______ is pleasant and friendly.
231. ______ is cooperative and happy.
232. ______ is cooperative and well mannered.
233. ______ has a pleasant personality.
234. ______ is a pleasure to have around.
235. ______ is friendly and cooperative.
236. ______ is a sweet and cooperative child.
237. ______ is a very happy, well-adjusted child, but _____.
238. ______ is self-confident and has excellent manners.
239. ______ has a sense of humor we all enjoy.
240. ______ has a sense of humor and enjoys the stories we read.
241. ______ gets upset easily.
242. ______ cries easily.
243. ______ often seems tired at school.
244. Although _____________'s growth in social maturity is continuing, it is not consistent.
245. ______ is enthusiastic about participating.
246. ______ participates well in class.
247. ______ volunteers often.
248. ______ is willing to take part in all classroom activities.
249. ______ is showing interest and enthusiasm for the things we do.
250. ______ makes fine contributions.
251. ______ takes an active part in discussions pertinent to ______.
252. ______ responds well.
253. ______ speaks with confidence to the group.
254. ______ takes turns talking.
255. ______ enjoys participating in conversation and discussion.
256. ______ needs to actively participate in classroom discussion.
Report Card Comments—Academic Achievement & Improvement
257. If ______ will continue to put forth the effort he has shown in the past two reporting periods, he will receive a great deal from his schooling.
258. The following suggestions might improve his ______.
259. I am hoping this recent interest and improvement will continue.
260. ______ is making progress in all academic areas. She is having some difficulty with ______, but if she continues to work hard she will see improvement soon.
261. ______ takes great pride in all of the work he does and always does a neat job.
262. ______ volunteers frequently and makes wonderful contributions to class. She does tend to work too quickly, which results in many careless errors. We can help her to correct this at home and at school.
263. ______ is a very hard worker and has excellent vocabulary skills for his age. He enjoys reading and writing.
264. ______'s excellent attitude is reflected in the work she does. Thank you for your efforts.
265. Although ______ tries to do his best, he often has difficulty keeping up with the rest of the class. Can we meet to discuss this?
266. I am concerned about ______'s progress this year. She has shown some improvement but her growth is not where it should be at this point in the school year. Please call to schedule a conference so we can discuss this.
267. As we discussed in our recent conference, _______'s work is below grade standards. I am sure with that more effort and concentration he will show rapid improvement.
268. ______ has great enthusiasm for everything we do in class. However, she is having some difficulty with _______. Please continue to review this with her nightly.
Academic Achievement
269. ______ is strong in _____.
270. ______ has earned a very fine report card.
271. ______ has a vast background knowledge of _______.
272. ______ is a very fine and serious student and excels in ______.
273. ______ is working well in all basic subjects.
274. ______ is working above grade level in ______.
275. ______ is especially good at ______.
276. ______'s low rate of achievement makes it difficult for her to keep up with the class.
277. ______ is capable of achieving a higher average in the areas of ____.
278. ______ has had difficulty with learning ______, so in the coming term we will focus on ______.
279. ______ is capable of much better work.
280. ______ still needs guidance and support from both you and me.
281. ______ has been most cooperative and only needs strengthening in social studies skills to bring her up to ____ grade level.
282. ______ has been receiving low quiz/test scores.
283. ______ does not work up to her ability.
284. ______ has difficulty understanding the material.
285. This subject is being modified to better match ______'s ability.
286. ______ is continuing to grow in independence.
287. ______ has improved steadily.
288. ______ has been consistently progressing.
289. ______ has shown a good attitude about trying to improve in ______.
290. ______ seems eager to improve.
291. ______ has shown strong growth in _______.
292. ______ is making steady progress academically.
293. ______'s quality of work is improving.
294. ______ has strengthened her skills in ______.
295. ______ has shown an encouraging desire to better herself in _______.
296. ______ would improve if he developed a greater interest in _______.
297. ______ has made nice progress this reporting period.
298. ______ is maturing nicely, and I hope this continues.
299. ______'s classroom attitude shows improvement.
Report Card Comments & Phrases—Citizenship
300. Although _______ has had some difficulty adjusting to our room and various duties, he usually tries to cooperate.
301. As you know from my reports to you, _______ has had some problems adjusting to our room. Please continue to work with him in this area.
302. _______ has made many fine contributions to our class and is an inspiration to her classmates.
303. No matter how busy _______ is, he still has time to do something nice for someone. For this reason, he is one of the best citizens in my class.
304. _______ assumes responsibility well, excels on the playground, and is well liked by her peers.
305. _______ is trying to practice good citizenship habits, but has been inconsistent with this. He needs to remember that we play only at certain times.
306. _______ is a very dependable student. She frequently helps her classmates without being asked to do so. Thank-you for your help.
307. Since our last conference, _______ has shown great improvement in the area of citizenship. Thank-you for your support.
308. _______ is starting to understand that in order to be a part of this class, she must follow the classroom rules. More improvement is needed for her to be successful in this area.
309. _______ is one the best citizens in the class. He often volunteers and helps others without being asked.
310. _______ is learning to be careful, cooperative, and fair.
311. _______ is very helpful with cleanup work around the room.
312. _______ gets along well with other children.
313. _______ accepts responsibility.
314. _______ works well with her neighbors.
315. _______ is a good citizen.
316. _______ makes friends quickly and is well liked by classmates.
317. _______ cooperates well.
318. _______ helps others.
319. _______ is a big help in seeing that our room looks clean and pleasant.
320. _______ is a fine citizen and takes a keen interest in school.
321. _______ possesses good self-discipline.
322. _______ is respectful of others.
323. _______ can be very helpful and dependable in the classroom.
324. _______ is always cooperative.
325. _______ needs to improve respect for others.
326. _______ interrupts others.
327. _______ needs to learn more socially acceptable behavior.
328. _______ needs to improve his self-control so he can be more socially accepted.
329. _______ is learning to listen and share with others.
330. _______ has difficulty following the classroom rules.
331. _______ does too much talking. It is disturbing to the other children.
Report Card Comments & Phrases—End of Year
332. There has been noticeable improvement in _______'s study habits this year. Please continue to work on these skills over the summer.
333. Thank-you for your interest in _______'s schoolwork this year. With her continued effort, she will receive much satisfaction from her work.
334. _______ is a fine citizen and a hard worker. I have thoroughly enjoyed having him in my class this year. Have a wonderful summer.
335. _______ has matured nicely this year. His progress during this last quarter was impressive. I hope this effort and attitude will carry over into the next school year.
336. Thank you for your support and interest in our class this year. _______ is a very hardworking boy and should have much success in the ____ grade.
337. _______ has matured nicely this year, both academically and socially.
338. _______'s friendly, sincere way has made him a very popular member of the ___ grade.
339. _______ would benefit from reading many library books this summer.
340. _______ needs to improve his reading speed and comprehension if he is to have success in the ______ grade.
341. _______ continued to blossom as the year progressed.
342. _______ helped to make my year a pleasant one.
343. _______ takes a keen interest in all her work and is a most agreeable and willing worker. It has been wonderful having her in my room.
344. Thank-you for the help I know you have given her.
345. Please continue during the summer with ______ review and as many reading experiences as possible.
346. Thank-you for your interest in _______'s attitude.
347. I'm sorry I didn't get to meet you this year.
348. Thanks for your cooperation.
349. With _______'s friendly, cooperative attitude, she will always be a pleasant addition to any class.
350. I have enjoyed the association I have had with _______.
351. I enjoyed having _______ in my class.
352. It has been a pleasure to have _______ in my class.
Report Card Comments & Phrases—General and Handwriting
353. All of _______'s basic skills are at grade level, but he is not working to the best of his ability.
354. _______'s school work has shown improvement over the past quarter. I hope this effort will continue.
355. _______'s behavior continues to be inconsistent. She is still having difficulty following the school rules and respecting the other students. Please call to set up a conference.
356. Thank-you for your continued support and help from home. The amount of extra time you have been spending with _______ on his schoolwork is evident.
357. _______ has improved since the last time we met. I suggest that you continue to work on _______ nightly.
358. _______ is a polite and alert _____ grader. Because he is a quiet boy, he needs to be encouraged to participate in class. Any help you can give from home would be very beneficial.
359. _______ has adjusted nicely to her new school environment. Could you call to set up a meeting as soon as you are settled into your new home?
360. _______ is gaining more self-confidence.
361. _______ is maintaining grade-level expectations.
362. _______ performs well in everything he undertakes.
363. _______ is doing strong work in all areas.
364. _______ is a clear thinker.
365. _______ has good organization of thoughts.
366. _______ should be encouraged to _____.
367. _______ needs frequent encouragement.
368. _______ exhibits creativity.
369. _______ has excessive tardiness.
370. _______ has excessive absences.
371. _______ has failed to turn in makeup work.
372. _______ is a good student who appears to be a deep thinker.
373. _______ grasps new ideas promptly.
374. _______ talks excessively.
375. _______ needs to spend more time on assigned tasks.
376. _______ does not put enough time into the assignments.
377. _______ needs to improve self-discipline
378. A conference is requested.
379. Please call to set up a conference.
380. Your constant cooperation and help are appreciated.
381. It is possible for _______ to exceed grade expectations.
382. _______'s handwriting needs to be improved.
383. _______ has good (poor) fine-motor skills.
384. _______ is able to print on the lines.
385. _______ spaces letters and words correctly.
386. _______'s work is not neat.
387. _______ does not form letters correctly.
388. Some of _______'s printing is excellent, but it is often untidy in daily assignments.
389. When printing, _______ often reverses letters, such as __, __, etc.
390. Report Card Comments
Grade 6 Language
General Strengths
391. uses ideas of some complexity
392. reflects the use of complex ideas
393. applies reasoning skills consistently and with general understanding
394. applies reasoning skills consistently and with thorough understanding
395. communication is clear and precise
396. communication is clear, precise and confidently conveyed
397. communicates for specific purposes
398. communicates for a wide variety of purposes and in a wide variety of contexts
399. communicates using a variety of forms
400. communicates using a wide range of complex forms
401. ideas are organized appropriately and logically
402. ideas are organized appropriately and in complex and logical ways
403. organizes ideas for specific purposes
404. organizes ideas for a wide variety of purposes and in a wide variety of contexts
405. uses (language conventions- spelling, grammar, punctuation, style) independently
406. uses the (language conventions - spelling, grammar, punctuation rules) studied
407. applies the (language conventions - spelling, grammar, punctuation) studied with a few minor errors and/or omissions
408. applies the (Language conventions - spelling, grammar, punctuation) with practically no minor errors and/or omissions
General Weaknesses
409. requires assistance in applying reasoning knowledge and skills
410. reasons using a few simple ideas
411. reasons using a variety of simple and related ideas
412. requires assistance with communication skills
413. rarely contributes to small group/classroom activities
414. reluctantly participates in class discussions
415. reluctantly participates in the celebration of liturgies
416. reluctantly engages in community service
417. rarely contributes to the school/class/community/group projects
Next Steps for Growth
418. will be encouraged to
419. will be expected to
420. will be invited to
421. does not willingly participate in reading activities
422. requires assistance to read most materials
423. makes unsupported responses to content
424. shows limited understanding of basic writing conventions to comprehend materials
425. misinterprets context clues
426. uses simple strategies to comprehend text
427. requires support to comprehend inter-related ideas
428. needs assistance making connections between idea and details
429. does not willingly read aloud
Next Steps
430. should read a wider variety of materials, including non-fiction
431. read with your child and discuss the material
432. encourage reading for pleasure as a family activity
433. use visual diagrams to illustrate concepts
434. encourage personal writing as a means of comprehending materials read
435. read instructions to games and puzzles for practice reading
436. practice reading aloud
437. read the same text and discuss the techniques you use to understand the material
438. discuss the text summarizing key points and making an outline
439. use simple visual aids i.e. mind maps, flow charts to diagram connections
440. encourage your child to read aloud to younger children
441. encourage your child to employ predictable books and repeated readings to develop and
increase reading fluency Writing
442. writes organized, unified and creative texts
443. utilizes a variety of resources
444. uses the writing process to improve and revise writing
445. displays a growing awareness of the expressiveness of words
446. uses the conventions of written language with consistency and accuracy
447. adapts content, style, voice, and structure to the purpose and audience
448. demonstrates a logical progression of ideas with a clear focus
449. expresses ideas clearly and correctly
450. revises, proofreads and writes legibly
451. uses a wide range of writing forms
452. demonstrates critical thinking skills in writing
453. demonstrates essential skills to produce clear and effective writing
454. drafts ideas fluently
455. makes creative and imaginative use of the computer to enhance the final copy
456. demonstrates in the final copy consistent, accurate and correct writing
457. uses a range of ideas and materials from other media to enhance his/her writing
458. has difficulty organizing information
459. uses few of the writing conventions well (state which ones)
460. makes major errors in (spelling, punctuation, sentence structure, grammar, usage)
461. writes using a simple style demonstrating limited sense of purpose and audience
462. requires assistance when revising
463. does not willingly participate in writing activities
464. is unable to edit text independently
Next Steps
465. needs to utilize writing resources (dictionary, thesaurus, grammar handbook etc.)
466. needs to use resources to rectify errors (dictionary, grammar handbook, spell check etc.)
467. needs to spend more time on planning writing (writing variables, thought webs, outline etc.)
468. should be encouraged to keep a diary, journal or log on a daily basis
469. should keep a personal "help" list of necessary steps and resources
470. uses concrete examples to demonstrate the various visual elements (margins, headings,
graphics) and discuss how they enhance the final draft
471. Oral and Visual Communication
472. adapts vocabulary, sentence structure and rate of speech to suit the audience and purpose
473. encourages others in the group
474. listens to and evaluates the views of others
475. assists group members to stay on task
476. follows directions, shows attention to details and completes group activities on time
477. assumes group responsibilities
478. uses a variety of strategies to help the group meet expectations
479. interacts skillfully and sensitively in group roles
480. uses fluency in language to engage others during oral presentations
481. communicates intent, emotion, meaning and point of view by using body language
482. effectively uses non-verbal communication techniques
483. analyses factors that contribute to successful discussion
484. regularly incorporates new vocabulary into discussion and presentations
485. uses sophisticated media texts to communicate
486. uses a wide variety of media techniques to convey and influence audience
487. uses a range of technologies to create media works of many types
488. is hesitant to contribute to oral and dramatic presentations
489. has difficulty asking questions of teacher and other groups members
490. shows limited ability to adapt and revise vocabulary and oral language structure according to
the listener's needs and the situation
491. uses inappropriate gestures, tone of voice and emphasis in simple presentations
492. oral presentations demonstrate limited organization and/or rehearsal
493. content of oral presentations is sometimes off topic
494. a needs encouragement to express opinions and ideas in group situations
495. presentations lack focus and unity; delivery is uneven
496. responds inconsistently and inappropriately in group situations
497. group skills are weak
498. requires assistance to understand and interpret media message
499. unable to use the conventions of oral language and of the media that are appropriate to the
500. frequently displays grammatical errors in oral language
Next Steps
501. encourage to practice and rehearse at home with a small audience
502. plan, organize, rehearse and revise simple text
503. follow an outline organizer to structure presentations
504. rehearse and revise material before presentations
Quarterly Report Card Comments
505. Excellent class attitude
506. Adds to a learning atmosphere
507. Attitude needs to improve
508. Commendable effort
509. Good class participation
510. Improved overall effort
511. Quality of work is poor
512. Does careless work
513. Needs to seek teacher assistance
514. Needs to participate in discussions
515. Needs to work to potential
516. Pleasure to have in class
517. Works well with others
518. Takes pride in work
519. Conscientious worker
520. Accepts responsibility
521. Demonstrates leadership
522. Is cooperative
523. Is courteous
524. Uses class time wisely
525. Considerate of others
526. Does other work in class
527. No response to help offered
528. Not considerate of others
529. Socializing inhibits progress
530. Disruptive behavior
531. Wastes time in class
532. Attentive behavior is needed
533. Listless or sleeps in class
534. Does not accept responsibility
535. Superior preparation for class
536. Consistently completes homework
537. Outstanding organizational skills
538. Working above grade level
539. Outstanding achievement
540. Does well on tests
541. Work shows interest and pride
542. Asks pertinent questions
543. Good daily work
544. Work exhibits creativity
545. Displays good study skills
546. Works well in a group
547. Performing at grade level
548. Difficulty in expressing ideas
549. Missing needed supplies
550. Does not bring necessary materials
551. Poor organizational skills
552. Needs to be on time for class
553. Notebook not kept up to date
554. Needs to take notes daily
555. Needs to improve note taking
556. Needs to use assignment notebook
557. Poor study habits
558. Does not complete assignments on time
559. Daily work is often late
560. Make up work not completed
561. Major assignments late
562. Inadequate preparation for test(s) and quiz(zes)
563. Missing quiz(zes) or test(s)
564. Project or report unsatisfactory
565. Project or report not completed
566. Needs to retake low quizzes and tests
567. Low quiz scores
568. Low test scores
569. Does not work well in a group
570. Working below grade level
571. Class requirements were modified
572. Not following directions
573. Is absent too often
574. Needs teacher conference
575. Excellent achievement on lab work
576. Excellent work in science
577. Creative problem solver
578. Recalls observations from lab and applies them to new situations
579. Shows good potential in science
580. Responsible in lab situations
581. Good lab student
582. Does not follow safety rules
583. Needs to study unit vocabulary
584. Must work independently in lab
585. Lacks respect for lab equipment
586. Journal well done
587. Excellent poise in oral presentations
588. Excellent editing skills
589. Good reference skills
590. Excellent speller
591. Has effective writing ability
592. Creative writer
593. Good written expression
594. Needs to work on punctuation and/or capitalization
595. No effort to improve writing
596. Needs to study spelling
597. Reference skills need improvement
598. Poor preparation for oral presentations
599. Poor spelling unit grades
600. Poor spelling test grades
601. Lacks neatness in handwriting
602. Did not complete journal
603. Writing mechanics need improvement
604. Excellent display of math skills and reasoning
605. Displays exceptional problem solving and critical thinking skills
606. Needs to purchase required math supplies
607. Lacks basic math skills
608. Shows an interest in recreational reading
609. Is developing higher level thinking and reading skills
610. Making progress in all areas of reading
611. Needs to work on comprehension skills
612. Did not meet Reading Contract requirements
613. Weak in basic reading skills
614. is able to create and interpret simple maps using cardinal directions, symbols, and simple keys
615. is developing his ability to create and interpret simple maps using cardinal directions, symbols, and simple keys
616. needs practice with creating and interpreting simple maps using cardinal directions, symbols, and simple keys
617. demonstrates minimal understanding of the interpretation of simple maps using cardinal directions, symbols, and simple keys Category 36: locating continents etc.
618. is able to locate continents, oceans and countries on the globe and the world map and to label and colour countries on the outline maps provided
619. is learning to locate continents, oceans and countries on the globe and the world map and to label and colour countries on the outline maps provided
620. needs extra assistance to locate continents, oceans and countries on the globe and the world map and to label and colour countries on the outline maps provided
621. enjoys physical education activities, follows directions promptly and accurately, uses equipment appropriately and exhibits good sportsmanship
622. enjoys physical education activities, usually follows directions promptly and accurately, uses
equipment appropriately and exhibits good sportsmanship
623. enjoys physical education activities and is encouraged to follow directions promptly and
accurately, to use equipment appropriately and exhibit good sportsmanship
Expected Development for Age Range
624. student easily meets the widely held expectations for learning in his age range
625. student fulfills the expectation for learning within his age range
626. student is working towards meeting the expectation for learning in his age range
627. student is making some progress towards meeting the expectation for learning in his age range
628. __ __ __ _'s reading has improved considerably throughout the year. Please continue to practice reading with her nightly.
629. __ __ __ _ speaks very well in front of the class. However, her written work needs much improvement. With greater effort, the improvement should slowly come.
630. __ __ __ _ has shown a great amount of improvement with her creative writing. She has learned to use more colorful words.
631. __ __ __ _ is making excellent progress reading sight words. Please continue to practice with him nightly.
632. __ __ __ _'s spelling scores have improved greatly since the beginning of the school year.
633. Studying his spelling words nightly has made much of the difference. Thank-you for your help.
634. Although_ __ __ __ is trying very hard, she is having difficulty writing smooth, fluent sentences.
635. Can we meet to discuss some helpful strategies?
636. __ __ __ _ enjoys listening to stories.
637. __ __ __ _ is able to distinguish sounds in words.
638. __ __ __ _ has difficulty distinguishing sounds in words.
Reading and Vocabulary
639. __ __ __ _ learns new vocabulary quickly.
640. __ __ __ _ needs to increase his speed and comprehension in reading.
641. __ __ __ _ has developed a mature reading vocabulary.
642. __ __ __ _ reads extensively.
643. __ __ __ _ now knows and is able to use_ __ __ consonant and vowel sounds.
644. __ __ __ _ confuses the sounds ___ and ___.
645. __ __ __ _ is able to blend short words using the vowel(s)__ __ _ without assistance.
646. __ __ __ _ is learning to attack words independently.
647. __ __ __ _ uses the phonics skills to attack new words.
648. __ __ __ _'s reading is... (smooth, jerky, hesitant, rapid, irregular, or fluent).
649. __ __ __ _ comprehends what she reads.
650. __ __ __ _ is interested in books and reading.
651. __ __ __ _ can read to follow directions.
652. __ __ __ _ can now recognize_ __ _ sight words.
653. __ __ __ _ reads for pleasure.
654. __ __ __ _ needs a lot of repetition and practice in order to retain reading vocabulary.
655. __ __ __ _ is still confusing words that look alike.
656. __ __ __ _ is beginning to read words in groups and phrases.
657. __ __ __ _'s reading is becoming automatic.
658. __ __ __ _'s reading is not yet becoming automatic.
659. __ __ __ _ enjoys discussing the stories we read.
660. __ __ __ _ is able to read his sentences back.
661. __ __ __ _ speaks in complete sentences.
662. __ __ __ _ speaks clearly.
663. __ __ __ _ has difficulty using (pronouns, verbs) correctly.
664. __ __ __ _ enjoys dramatization.
665. __ __ __ _ has a good oral vocabulary.
666. __ __ __ _ uses punctuation correctly.
667. __ __ __ _ uses colorful words while speaking.
668. __ __ __ _ uses (complex, simple) sentences while speaking.
669. __ __ __ _ participates in group storytelling.
670. __ __ __ _ needs to apply skills to all written work.
671. __ __ __ _ excels in writing original stories and poems.
672. __ __ __ _ is able to place periods and question marks correctly.
673. __ __ __ _ uses colorful words in his writing.
674. __ __ __ _ uses (complex, simple) sentences in her writing.
675. __ __ __ _ is now able to write a complete sentence independently.
676. __ __ __ _ can write an original story containing two to four sentences.
677. __ __ __ _ puts words in the appropriate order.
678. __ __ __ _ shows self-confidence in writing.
679. __ __ __ _ can compose several related sentences.
680. __ __ __ _ is building a good spelling vocabulary.
681. __ __ __ _ uses the dictionary to find unfamiliar words.
682. __ __ __ _ enjoys learning to spell new words.
683. __ __ __ _ is able to learn to spell words easily.
684. __ __ __ _ sometimes reverses letters in a word.
685. __ __ __ _ has difficulty remembering the spelling of non-phonetic words.
686. __ __ __ _ is helped by using hand or body motions to remember spelling.
687. Is a good citizen
688. Is learning to share and listen.
689. Is becoming more dependable during work periods.
690. Is developing a better attitude toward ___ grade.
691. Is showing interest and enthusiasm for the things we do.
692. Is learning to occupy his time constructively.
693. Wants responsibilities and follows through.
694. Can be very helpful and dependable in the classroom.
695. Always uses her time wisely.
696. Has strengthened her skills in ___.
697. Has great potential and works toward achieving it.
698. Working to full capability.
699. Is strong in _____.
700. Is learning to be a better listener.
701. Is learning to be careful, cooperative, and fair.
702. Is continuing to grow in independence.
703. Enthusiastic about participating.
704. Gaining more self-confidence.
705. Has a pleasant personality.
706. Has earned a very fine report card.
707. Has improved steadily.
708. Is learning to listen to directions more carefully.
709. Now accepts responsibility well.
710. _____'s work habits are improving.
711. Has been consistently progressing.
712. Has shown a good attitude about trying to improve in ___.
713. The following suggestions might improve his ____.
714. I am hoping this recent interest and improvement will continue.
715. Seems eager to improve.
716. Has shown strong growth in ____.
717. Is cooperative and happy.
718. Volunteers often.
719. Is willing to take part in all classroom activities.
720. Works well with her neighbors.
721. _____'s attitude toward school is excellent.
722. Has the ability to follow directions.
723. Hand work is beautifully done.
724. Learns new vocabulary quickly.
725. Has a sense of humor and enjoys the stories we read.
726. Is a steadfast, conscientious worker.
727. Is very helpful about clean-up work around the room.
728. Anxious to please.
729. Brings fine contributions.
730. Has a pleasant disposition.
731. Works well.
732. Is hard-working.
733. Is pleasant and friendly.
734. Needs to increase speed and comprehension in reading.
735. Needs to apply skills to all written work.
736. Gets along well with other children.
737. Your constant cooperation and help are appreciated.
738. Has shown an encouraging desire to better herself in ___.
739. Making steady progress academically.
740. Quality of work is improving.
741. Responds well.
742. Is maintaining grade-level achievements.
743. Works well in groups, planning and carrying out activities.
744. Seems to be more aware of activities in the classroom.
745. Takes an active part in discussions pertinent to ___.
746. Accepts responsibility.
747. Extremely conscientious.
748. Bubbles over with enthusiasm.
749. Has a sense of humor we all enjoy.
750. Has an excellent attitude.
751. Work in the areas of ____ has been extremely good.
752. Is an enthusiastic worker during the ____ period.
753. Needs to work democratically with others in groups.
754. Possible for ___ to exceed grade expectations.
755. Grasps new ideas readily.
756. Needs to develop a better sense of responsibility.
757. Enthusiastic about work in general.
758. Performs well in everything he undertakes.
759. Unusually mature.
760. Seeks information.
761. Mature vocabulary.
762. Doing strong work in all areas.
763. Is a clear thinker.
764. Excels in writing original stories and poems.
765. Is a good student who appears to be a deep thinker
766. Reads extensively.
767. Has good organization of thoughts.
768. Has vast background knowledge of ___.
769. Is a very fine and serious student and excels in ___.
770. Rate of achievement makes it difficult for ___ to keep up with the class.
771. Must improve work habits if ___ is to gain the fundamentals needed for ___ grade work.
772. _____'s academic success leaves much to be desired.
773. Handwriting needs to be improved.
774. Cooperative, well mannered.
775. Is a very happy, well-adjusted child, but ___.
776. Makes friends quickly and is well liked by classmates.
777. Cries easily.
778. Good worker and attentive listener.
779. Good adjustment.
780. Good attitude.
781. Capable of achieving a higher average in areas of ____.
782. Has difficulty retaining process of addition, etc.
783. Is inconsistent in his efforts, especially in ___.
784. Sacrificing accuracy for unnecessary speed in his written work.
785. Needs to listen to directions.
786. Never completes assignments in the allotted time.
787. Fails to finish independent assignments.
788. Would improve if he developed a greater interest in ___.
789. Comprehends well, but needs to work more quickly.
790. Needs to be urged.
791. Can follow directions.
792. Enjoys listening to poetry.
793. Enjoys listening to stories.
794. Listens carefully.
795. Evaluates what he/she hears
796. Phonics - (is able to distinguish, has difficulty distinguishing) sounds in words
797. Now knows and is able to use _____ consonant and vowel sounds
798. Confuses the sounds ___ and ___
799. Is able to blend short words using the vowel(s) _____ with /without assistance
800. Is learning to attack words independently
801. Uses the phonics skills to attack new words
802. Reading is (smooth, jerky, hesitant, rapid, irregular, or fluent)
803. Comprehends what he/she reads
804. Is interested in books and reading
805. Can read to follow directions
806. Can now recognize ____ sight words
807. Reads for pleasure
808. Needs lots of repetition and practice in order to retain reading vocabulary
809. Is still confusing words which look alike
810. Is beginning to read words in groups (phrases)
811. Reading is becoming (not yet becoming) automatic
812. Enjoys discussing the stories
813. Has had difficulty with learning ______ so in the coming term we will focus on ______.
814. Speaks in good sentences
815. Speaks clearly
816. Has difficulty using (pronouns, verbs) correctly
817. Enjoys dramatization
818. Enjoys participation in conversation and discussion
819. Expresses ideas clearly
820. Has a good oral vocabulary
821. Takes turns talking
822. Speaks with confidence to the group
823. Uses punctuation correctly
824. Is able to place periods and question marks correctly
825. Uses colorful words
826. Uses (complex, simple) sentences
827. Is now able to write a complete sentence independently
828. Participates in group story telling (composition)
829. Can write an original story of (one or two sentences, of a few sentences)
830. Puts words in the appropriate order
831. Is able to read his sentences back
832. Shows self confidence in writing
833. Can compose several related sentences
834. Is building a good spelling vocabulary
835. Uses his individual dictionary to find unfamiliar words
836. Enjoys learning to spell new words
837. Is able to learn to spell words easily
838. Sometimes reverses letters in a word
839. Has difficulty remembering the spelling of non-phonetic words
840. Is helped by using hand or body motions to remember spelling
841. When printing, often reverses letters, such as __, __, etc.
842. Has good (poor) fine-motor skills
843. Is able to print on the lines
844. Spaces letters and words correctly
845. Some printing is excellent but is often untidy in daily assignments
846. Enjoys doing neat careful work
847. Can work with numbers up to ___ with understanding
848. Understands the signs +, -, = and uses them to make number statements
849. Understands and uses basic facts of addition and subtraction to ____
850. Reverses some numbers still
851. Understands place value up to _____
852. Can use manipulative to add and subtract
853. Can use manipulative to show place value to _____
854. Understands money (pennies, dimes, nickels)
855. Relies heavily on concrete objects
856. Knows the basic shapes
857. Can count to ______
858. Is able to create graphs using simple data
859. Understands several methods of graphing
860. Is beginning to memorize the number facts
861. Is friendly and cooperative
862. Cooperates well
863. Helps others
864. Has a sense of humor
865. Has a good attitude towards school
866. Is working well in all subjects
867. Lacks independence / Is gaining independence
868. Is too easily distracted
869. Is becoming more self-reliant
870. Is an attentive student
871. All work is neatly and accurately done
872. Is a polite conscientious pupil
873. Is working above grade level in _________.
874. Works too slowly
875. Does not complete assignments in the allotted time
876. Seems unable to finish required work
877. Does colorful and interesting art work
878. Is especially good at ______
879. Requires too much supervision.
880. Please encourage him to do things on his own.
881. Should be encouraged to _____
882. Needs frequent encouragement
883. Is maturing
884. Is learning to concentrate
885. Is learning to listen carefully
886. Is gaining self-confidence
887. Often completes work early
888. Is very thoughtful
889. Takes pride in work well done
890. Is eager to learn
891. Makes little effort when not under direct supervision
892. Often seems tired at school
893. Is not very appreciative of the value of ( time, courtesy, sharing, neatness, accuracy)
894. Shows initiative; thinks things through for himself/herself
895. If a child is having difficulty - say so! Say what you have tried already to help him/her, and what you are going to do differently in the term to come to help the child.
896. Never say the child is having problems without giving a possible solution you are going to try and what has already been tried.
897. This shows you are doing everything in your power to change the situation.
898. _____ has matured nicely this year, academically and socially.
899. He/She assumes responsibility well and has a find attitude.
900. He/She still needs strengthening in the concept of long division.
901. Thanks for the help I know you have given her.
902. There has been a noticeable improvement in _____'s study habits this reporting period, which is very encouraging.
903. Please continue during the summer with ___________ review and as many reading experiences as possible.
904. ___________ would benefit from reading many library books this summer.
905. He needs to improve his reading speed and comprehension if he is to have success in the ________ grade.
906. If ___________ will put forth in the future the effort he has shown in the past two reporting periods, he will receive a great deal from his schooling.
907. With __________'s ability to apply herself to each task, she should receive much satisfaction from her school experiences.
908. _____________ continued to blossom as the year progressed.
909. _______________'s oral reading is very expressive and her oral reporting is excellent.
910. Thank you for your interest in _____________'s attitude.
911. Although he has had some difficulty adjusting to our room and various duties, he usually tries to cooperate.
912. _____________ has had some problems adjusting to our room, as you know from my reports to you.
913. Many of her difficulties occur on the playground and she then carries a poor attitude in the classroom.
914. This hurts her academically.
915. She is capable of much better work.
916. I'm sorry I didn't get to meet you this year.
917. __________has made nice progress this reporting period.
918. He is maturing nicely and I hope this continues.
919. Although _____________'s growth in social maturity is continuing, it is not consistent.
920. She still needs guidance and support from both you and me.
921. Thanks for your cooperation.
922. _____________ is a wonderful girl and I'm happy to have had her in my room.
923. She has made many fine contributions to our class and is an inspiration to her classmates.
924. With ____'s friendly, cooperative attitude, she will always be a pleasant addition to any class.
925. I have enjoyed the association I have had _____________.
926. His friendly, sincere way has made him a very popular member of the ___ grade.
927. Regardless of how busy _________ is, he still has time to do something nice for someone. For this reason, he is one of the best-liked members of my class.
928. I enjoyed having _____________ in my class.
929. She is a sweet and cooperative child.
930. _____________ is a pleasant, conscientious student.
931. He is self-confident and has excellent manners.
932. It has been a pleasure to have him in my class.
933. I enjoyed having _____________ in my room.
934. She assumes responsibility well, excels on the playground and is well liked by her peers.
935. She's helped to make my year a pleasant one.
936. She is a big help in seeing that our room looks clean and pleasant.
937. She has been most cooperative and only needs strengthening in social studies skills to bring her up to ____ grade level.
938. ___________ is a fine citizen and takes a keen interest in school.
939. I hope you enjoy your new home!
940. __________ takes a keen interest in all work and is most agreeable and a willing worker. It has been wonderful having her in my room.
941. Exhibits excellent attitude
942. Possesses good self discipline
943. Respectful of others
944. Works independently on assignments
945. Exhibits creativity
946. Does good work
947. Always cooperative
948. Classroom attitude shows improvement
949. Pleasant student to work with
950. Quality of work has improved
951. Hard worker
952. Participates well in class
953. A pleasure to have around
954. Experiences difficulty following directions-when unsure needs to ask for questions
955. Needs to actively participate in classroom discussion
956. Needs better study skills
957. Requires incentives
958. Low quiz/test scores
959. Assignments/Homework incomplete/late
960. Needs to pay attention in class
961. Disruptive in class
962. Needs to improve classroom attitude
963. Excessive tardiness
964. Excessive absences
965. Failure to turn in make up work
966. A conference is requested
967. This subject modified/ leveled according to ability
968. Does not work up to his/her ability
969. Student will be retained in current grade next year. Please contact the school to arrange a conference.
970. Subject has been taught but no grade issued
971. Makes careless errors
972. Difficulty understanding the material
973. Does not know math facts well
974. Interrupts others
975. Gets upset easily
976. Work is not neat
977. Disorganized
978. Needs to proofread work
979. Does not form letters correctly
980. Assignments are not neat
981. Excessive talking
982. Needs to spend time on task
983. Does not put enough time into assignment
984. Needs to improve self discipline
985. Needs to improve respect for others
Some sample generic report card comments are given below. Remember, it is more helpful and informative for parents if you can provide specific rather than general comments whenever possible.
986. Here are words that are useful...
able, accurate, active, aggressive, ambitious, anxious, attentive, capable, cheerful, confident, cooperative, conscientious, courteous, dependable, determined, eager, energy, energetic, friendly, generous, happy, helpful, imaginative, industrious, initiative, interested, keen, neat, nervous, observant, orderly, pleasant, polite, prompt, quiet, receptive, reliant, resourceful, studious
987. speaks in good sentences
988. speaks clearly
989. has difficulty using (pronouns, verbs) correctly - enjoys dramatization
990. enjoys participation in conversation and discussion - expresses ideas clearly
991. has a good oral vocabulary
992. takes turns talking
993. speaks with confidence to the group
994. uses punctuation correctly
995. is able to place periods and question marks correctly - uses colorful words
996. uses (complex, simple) sentences
997. is now able to write a complete sentence independently - participates in group story telling (composition) - can write an original story of (one or two sentences, of a few sentences)
998. puts words in the appropriate order
999. is able to read his sentences back
1000. shows self confidence in writing
1001. can compose several related sentences
1002. is building a good spelling vocabulary - uses his individual dictionary to find unfamiliar words - enjoys learning to spell new words
1003. is able to learn to spell words easily - sometimes reverses letters in a word
1004. has difficulty remembering the spelling of non-phonetic words - is helped by using hand or body motions to remember spelling
1005. often reverses letters, such as __, __, etc. - has good (poor) fine-motor skills
1006. is able to print on the lines
1007. spaces letters and words correctly
1008. some printing is excellent but is often untidy in daily assignments - enjoys doing neat careful work
1009. can work with numbers to 10 (?) with understanding - understands the signs +, -, = and uses them to make number statements - understands and uses basic facts of addition and subtraction to ____ - reverses some numbers still
1010. understands place value to _____
1011. can use manipulative to add and subtract - can use manipulative to show place value to _____ - understands money (pennies, dimes, nickels) - relies heavily on concrete objects
1012. knows the basic shapes
1013. can count to ______
1014. is able to create graphs using simple data - understands several methods of graphing - is beginning to memorize the number facts ----------------
For listening
1015. can follow directions
1016. enjoys listening to poetry
1017. enjoys listening to stories
1018. listens carefully
1019. evaluates what he hears
1020. (is able to distinguish, has difficulty distinguishing) sounds in words
1021. now knows and is able to use _____ consonant and vowel sounds - confuses the sounds ___ and ___
1022. is able to blend short words using the vowel(s) _____ with (without) assistance
1023. is learning to attack words independently - uses the phonics skills to attack new words
1024. reading is (smooth, jerky, hesitant, rapid, irregular, fluent) - comprehends what he reads
1025. is interested in books and reading
1026. can read to follow directions
1027. can now recognize ____ sight words
1028. reads for pleasure
1029. needs lots of repetition and practice in order to retain reading vocabulary
1030. is still confusing words which look alike - is beginning to read words in groups (phrases) - reading is becoming (not yet becoming) automatic - enjoys discussing the stories
1031. has had difficulty with learning (phonics, sight vocabulary) so in the coming term we will focus on (sight vocabulary, phonics)
General Remarks
1032. is friendly and cooperative
1033. cooperates well
1034. helps others
1035. has a sense of humor
1036. has a good attitude towards school
1037. is working well in all subjects
1038. lacks independence, is gaining independence - is too easily distracted
1039. is becoming more self-reliant
1040. is an attentive student
1041. all work is neatly and accurately done - is a polite conscientious pupil
1042. works too slowly
1043. does not complete assignments in the allotted time. - seems unable to finish required work
1044. does colorful and interesting art work - is especially good at ______
1045. requires too much supervision. Please encourage him to do things on his own.
1046. should be encouraged to _____
1047. needs frequent encouragement
1048. is maturing
1049. is learning to concentrate
1050. is learning to listen carefully
1051. is gaining self-confidence
1052. is very thoughtful
1053. takes pride in work well done
1054. is eager to learn
1055. makes little effort when not under direct supervision - often seems tired at school
1056. is not very appreciative of the value of ( time, courtesy, sharing, neatness, accuracy)
1057. shows initiative; thinks things through for himself ! Here's a sample.
Here are words and phrases that are useful...
1058. able, accurate, active, aggressive, ambitious, anxious, attentive, capable, cheerful, confident, cooperative, conscientious, courteous, dependable, determined, eager, energy, energetic, friendly, generous, happy, helpful, imaginative, industrious, initiative, interested, keen, neat, nervous, observant, orderly, pleasant, polite, prompt, quiet, receptive, reliant, resourceful, studious
1059. Is a good citizen
1060. Is learning to share and listen.
1061. Is becoming more dependable during work periods.
1062. Is developing a better attitude toward ___ grade.
1063. Is showing interest and enthusiasm for the things we do.
1064. Is learning to occupy his time constructively.
1065. Wants responsibilities and follows through.
1066. Can be very helpful and dependable in the classroom.
1067. Always uses her time wisely.
1068. Has strengthened her skills in ___.
1069. Has great potential and works toward achieving it.
1070. Working to full capability.
1071. Is strong in _____.
1072. Is learning to be a better listener.
1073. Is learning to be careful, cooperative, and fair.
1074. Is continuing to grow in independence.
1075. Enthusiastic about participating.
1076. Gaining more self-confidence.
1077. Has a pleasant personality.
1078. Has earned a very fine report card.
1079. Has improved steadily.
1080. Is learning to listen to directions more carefully.
1081. Now accepts responsibility well.
1082. _____'s work habits are improving.
1083. Has been consistently progressing.
1084. Has shown a good attitude about trying to improve in ___.
1085. The following suggestions might improve his ____.
1086. I am hoping this recent interest and improvement will continue.
1087. Seems eager to improve.
1088. Has shown strong growth in ____.
1089. Is cooperative and happy.
1090. Volunteers often.
1091. Is willing to take part in all classroom activities.
1092. Works well with her neighbors.
1093. _____'s attitude toward school is excellent.
1094. Has the ability to follow directions.
1095. Handwork is beautifully done.
1096. Learns new vocabulary quickly.
1097. Has a sense of humor and enjoys the stories we read.
1098. Is a steadfast, conscientious worker.
1099. Is very helpful about clean-up work around the room.
1100. Anxious to please.
1101. Brings fine contributions.
1102. Has a pleasant disposition.
1103. Works well.
1104. Is hard working.
1105. Is pleasant and friendly.
1106. Needs to increase speed and comprehension in reading.
1107. Needs to apply skills to all written work.
1108. Gets along well with other children.
1109. Your constant cooperation and help are appreciated.
1110. Has shown an encouraging desire to better herself in ___.
1111. Making steady progress academically.
1112. Quality of work is improving.
1113. Responds well.
1114. Is maintaining grade-level achievements.
1115. Works well in groups, planning and carrying out activities.
1116. Seems to be more aware of activities in the classroom.
1117. Takes an active part in discussions pertinent to ___.
1118. Accepts responsibility.
1119. Extremely conscientious.
1120. Bubbles over with enthusiasm.
1121. Has a sense of humor we all enjoy.
1122. Has an excellent attitude.
1123. Work in the areas of ____ has been extremely good.
1124. Is an enthusiastic worker during the ____ period.
1125. Needs to work democratically with others in groups.
1126. Possible for ___ to exceed grade expectations.
1127. Grasps new ideas readily.
1128. Needs to develop a better sense of responsibility.
1129. Enthusiastic about work in general.
1130. Performs well in everything he undertakes.
1131. Unusually mature.
1132. Seeks information.
1133. Mature vocabulary.
1134. Doing strong work in all areas.
1135. Is a clear thinker.
1136. Excels in writing original stories and poems.
1137. Is a good student who appears to be a deep thinker.
1138. Reads extensively.
1139. Has good organization of thoughts.
1140. Has a vast background knowledge of ___.
1141. Is a very fine and serious student and excels in ___.
1142. Rate of achievement makes it difficult for ___ to keep up with the class.
1143. Must improve work habits if ___ is to gain the fundamentals needed for ___ grade work.
1144. _____'s academic success leaves much to be desired.
1145. Handwriting needs to be improved.
1146. Cooperative, well mannered.
1147. Is a very happy, well-adjusted child, but ___.
1148. Makes friends quickly and is well liked by classmates.
1149. Cries easily.
1150. Good worker and attentive listener.
1151. Good adjustment.
1152. Good attitude.
1153. Capable of achieving a higher average in areas of ____.
1154. Has difficulty retaining process of addition, etc.
1155. Is inconsistent in his efforts, especially in ___.
1156. Sacrificing accuracy for unnecessary speed in his written work.
1157. Needs to listen to directions.
1158. Never completes assignments in the allotted time.
1159. Fails to finish independent assignments.
1160. Would improve if he developed a greater interest in ___.
1161. Comprehends well, but needs to work more quickly.
1162. Needs to be urged.
1163. _____ is showing enthusiasm in his work.
1164. _____ is using his free time constructively.
1165. _____ uses her time wisely.
1166. _____ has progressed wonderfully.
1167. _____ is showing signs of leadership in the classroom.
1168. _____ has great potential in _____.
1169. _____ is a good citizen.
1170. _____ is working to his full capacity.
1171. _____ needs to improve skills in _____.
1172. _____ needs to pay more attention.
1173. _____ is working diligently on his _____.
1174. _____ is learning to be a better listener.
1175. _____ participates very well in class.
1176. _____ is showing signs of independence.
1177. _____ is still struggling with _____.
1178. _____ wants responsibilities and follows through.
1179. _____ has a better attitude.
1180. _____ is a hard worker.
1181. _____ has a winning personality.
1182. _____ follows directions well.
1183. _____ is steadily improving in _____.
1184. _____ is following suggests to improve in _____.
1185. _____ is eager to improve in ______.
1186. _____ is cooperative in class.
1187. _____ likes to volunteer in class activities.
1188. _____ should be proud of his report card.
1189. _____ is great at encouraging other students.
1190. _____ works well with classmates.
1191. _____ needs to improve her attention span.
1192. _____ learns new spelling words quickly.
1193. _____ has shown strength in _____.
1194. _____ is a conscientious worker.
1195. _____ has contributed to many class discussions.
1196. _____ is anxious to please.
1197. _____ has been disrupting the class lately.
1198. _____ needs improvement in reading comprehension.
1199. _____ is applying skills to all of his work.
1200. _____ gets along well with her classmates.
1201. _____ is cooperative.
1202. I appreciate _____'s cooperation in class.
1203. _____ is showing steady progress in overall academics.
1204. _____'s quality of work is improving.
1205. _____ is showing a desire to do better in _____.
1206. _____'s grade level achievements are well maintained.
1207. _____ is working well independently.
1208. _____ acts responsibly in class.
1209. _____ needs to work on his talking in class.
1210. _____ is full of enthusiasm when it comes to _____.
1211. _____'s sense of humor is enjoyable.
1212. _____ has a stupendous attitude.
1213. _____ does not work well with large group discussions.
1214. _____ is not participating as I would've hoped.
1215. _____ is able to grasp new concepts readily.
1216. _____ may exceed _____ grade expectations.
1217. _____ needs to develop a greater sense of responsibility.
1218. _____ is quite mature in class.
1219. _____ tries very hard in everything he does.
1220. _____ has strong work habits in all areas.
1221. _____ puts ideas in his head onto paper very well.
1222. _____ is excelling in _____.
1223. _____ demonstrates good reading habits.
1224. _____ stays well organized in class.
1225. _____ is able to organize her thoughts very well.
1226. _____ seems to have extensive knowledge in _____.
1227. _____ is struggling to keep up with homework assignments.
1228. _____ needs to improve his work habits.
1229. _____ is well mannered and respectful to me and other students.
1230. _____ has adjusted to _____ very well.
1231. _____ is capable of achieving higher than average in _____.
1232. _____'s attitude makes it hard for her to get along with other classmates.
1233. _____ is consistent in his efforts.
1234. _____'s accuracy is failing because of unnecessary speed in written work.
1235. _____ has a hard time following directions.
1236. _____ consistently fails to finish independent assignments in _____.
1237. _____ has the ability to comprehend, but needs to work more quickly.
1238. _____ enjoys _____.
1239. _____ listens carefully.
1240. _____ is reading at a grade ____ level.
1241. _____ has mastered _____.
1242. _____ is very interested in reading.
1243. _____ speaks clearly.
1244. _____ is muffling words, making it hard to understand him.
1245. _____ has confidence in her work.
1246. _____ is able to speak effectively before the class.
1247. _____ shares with others in the class.
1248. _____ has a good understanding of vocabulary words, and is able to use them correctly.
1249. _____ has a good attitude towards school.
1250. _____'s work level is below average in _____.
1251. _____ is easily distracted.
1252. _____ turns in neat work that is done accurately.
1253. _____ is not completing assignments in the allotment of time given.
1254. _____ is especially good at _____.
1255. _____ requires more supervision than expected at this grade level.
1256. _____ needs encouragement to do things on her own.
1257. _____ often completes assignments early.
1258. _____ takes pride in his work.
1259. _____ needs to concentrate better.
1260. _____ cares about the other students in her class.
1261. _____ does not work well without direct supervision
1262. _____ is often tired during school hours