23 September, 2008

“Perfect School” from the eyes of the students

BY BinduSharma

The make up of the “Perfect School” from the eyes of the students:

In my classes:

I will learn best if we have a lot of discussions.
It is important that I have a positive learning experience;
I want to see colorful bulletin boards and other educational displays;
It is important that each class start with a review;
It is important that each class build on what was taught in previous classes;
I want to see or hear examples of what is to be learned;
I want my teacher to state clearly what is expected of me;
I want to be able to judge my own progress;
I want a variety of ways to demonstrate what I am learning;
I want to be graded often to determine if I am learning new information;
I want the chance to work on assignments in class where help is available;
I want homework to be emphasized in my class;
I want to be able to get additional help when I need it;
I want to know that the teacher cares about me as a person;
I want to understand how the content of the course will help me in “the real world;”
I want to understand how my teacher determines my grade on each assignment;
I want a variety of teaching methods/activities used in my class; (CDs, videos, hands-on activities, lectures, workbook activities, small group work);
I want my teacher to help me learn how things are alike and how they are different;
I want my teacher to help me learn how to take notes;
I want my teacher to encourage me when I am facing new material;
I want my teacher to be there every time i need her;


I want my teacher to present information in a way that allows me to have a “picture” in my mind of what is being taught.